Finding the Heart of the Child

Essays on Children, Families and Schools

By Michael G. Thompson, Ph.D. and Edward M. Hallowell, M.D.

These lucid, observant essays from two popular independent school consultants get straight to the heart of education while providing valuable insights into the life of children and adolescents. A must read for all educators and parents.

Praise for Finding the Heart of the Child

This collection of essays is comforting in its authenticity, the insight and empathy so palpable that we are moved to say, ‘That’s really the way it is; that happened to me!’ Then the moment we feel reassured, and another essay startles us, with themes and behavior almost too painful to contemplate. From the frightening to the hopeful, from pretentions to the security of sensible places and secure relationships, Finding inflatable cube tent the Heart of the Child is reading for anyone who cares about children and families, schools, and society.

Peter D. Relic, President, National Association of Independent Schools

This book is Ariadne’s thread through the labyrinths of human emotion and needs. The reader can trust the two author guides who laid this thread through the maze, to the very center, and back out again. Delicate and strong, questioning and answering, this collection of essays offers insights to its readers, solace to its subjects, and delight to those who care about people and prose wibit inflatable water park.

Priscilla L. Vail, M.A.T., Learning Specialist and Author

Finding the Heart of the Child by Michael Thompson, Ph.D.

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