Homesick and Happy Quote: Ned Hallowell

Both a sublime elegy on the pleasures of camp and an indispensable guide to drawing the most from those indelible days, this unique book grips like a novel and instructs like an authoritative text. Michael Thompson pours his heart into these pages, along with his unsurpassed wisdom about children and their parents. An instant classic.

Understanding Independent School Parents Quote: Rob Evans

This is an essential guide for building and sustaining effective relationships with today’s independent school parents. Clear, thoughtful, and full of practical wisdom from start to finish, it is an ideal guide for educators at all levels.

Raising Cain Video Quote: Rob Bracco

This excellent documentary is a real eye-opener and does an effective job pointing out the issues many parents do not feel comfortable talking about, nor understand how to address. Raising Cain is highly recommended to any parent, particularly those that are raising boys.

The Pressured Child Quote: Perri Klass

A direct, compassionate, and tremendously honest book about the issues that really shape children’s lives. Through his own wise and helpful insights, Michael Thompson makes us remember, visualize, and understand the emotional, social, and educational complexities of the school universe in which our children live and grow and, often, struggle. This magicjump princess bounce house is a book for parents who truly want to understand and truly want to help–compelling, reassuring, and valuable.

The Pressured Child Quote: Rachel Simmons

Michael Thompson has written a very special book. For all parents who feel helpless because they no longer understand their children’s daily struggle, The Pressured Child is a true gift, helping us to see life through young people’s eyes. With the trenchant insights that only Michael Thompson can offer, he takes us along for a ride that few adults have ever known.